
A Rose In The Dark

Let us discuss this with ourself.  Just what is this, if not an extension of that?
In other words this is that.  If we must ask questions does that not imply we
recognize the need for an answer?  If there is an answer it follows that by now
it has been archived somewhere on the world wide web.  The answers to the
questions we commonly ask are not out of reach, the questions are.  To ask
which came first, the chicken or the egg, reveals of the questioner their not
having stopped to consider that they are one and the same thing completing
an endless process.  To ask which came first is to be ignorant of endlessness.
For only in eternity are questions such as this one completely unnecessary.
The real question this begs is whether the questioner exists outside eternity
or whether he remains merely unenlightened within it.  Well this the only
question evaporates quickly because one natural implication of infinity is
that it would consume and include everything imagineable and as yet un-
imagined in addition to everything real and unreal, rendering all questions
the trademark of the uninitiated to the one easy secret of the universe right
here out in the open in front of all our faces for anyone to see for themselves.
And that would be the plain obvious knowledge that every living thing on
this planet is immortal by definition whether conscious of the fact or not
because when you apply the question of what happens to us after we die
it should not be too difficult to perceive immediately that once again it is
the question which is faulty because we have already established without
a shadow of a doubt that the chicken and the egg are one and the same so
by extension and in a similar manner asking about the afterlife once again
reveals that the questioner hasn't taken the short time to realize for himself
clearly that since we are innocuously connected at the fundamental level
of the great tapestry of interdependent life upon this planet our individual
deaths appear to terminate our existence as apparantly the mother hen
came after the egg she stepped out of and therefore in conclusion there
must be a good chance that our questioning stance was arrived at due to
not having been able to visualise the bigger picture of our continuing to
exist in eternal propogation a cycle of unprecedented proportions which
left us all standing out under the burning sun with the ability to reason
out our direct situations in order to maximize the survival of our species
and so we must remember to not apply our questions to those topics
which have remained unanswered since this is a misdirection of skills
beyond the reltaive domain they were intended for and keep repeating
to ourselves that we really don't even know who or what we are exactly
so suffice it to say we are the changing fathers guarding immortaility
protecting our sons and daughters along the way and rarely stopping
to deeply inhale the scent of our one eternal skin blooming in the dark.
