
Circumventing the Nexus

   As the electromagnetic event unfolds along the spatial coordinates 
of the axes humankind is most attuned to, ripples in realtime expand outward, 
often at the same time and never in sync. Despite all the old stories having been lost, 
somehow from deep within their forgotten lore, diamonds emerge that stick in the memory 
of all who behold them. These gem points are more like moments in time, separated 
by annihilating whirlpools and casting their solitary light upon these shifting battlefields 
as one single shadow leaning into the setting sun. An array of eyelets letting in the light, 
pinholes in a shroud draped over the world. The inner organs of the super attenuated manifestations 
of light reveal themselves after having performed their function, in a sort of turned-inside-out array 
of spatial configuration set above us all as if we are upon the dot of the very punctuation mark 
we dare question. Simply step up onto the podium to ask and watch the world retreat around you,
hiss the whispers echoing in the wind. Such it has always been since the mind like men's be questioned. Such it will always be to see thine self in the same  mirrored reflection. We travel forward hoping to circumvent the nexus left in the wake of our predecessors who hoped we would not awaken. 
We move along the timeline with eyes wide open looking forward to score a token of appreciation 
for the path we have taken. We walk in electromagnetic harmony with the conductor and reactor 
after dreaming in a state of suspension in slumber. We circumvent the nexus even as it helps correct us.