I'd like to study the figure of the After Map It's various Etchings in Darkness
The trap itself drawn into the pillow A deck and island of border teeth
Death with holes for the eyes and nostrils Of the head on the side under the calm
Harbor waves trapped by having secrets In the dark hidden to Different Memories
With his sons on every border Point of Anti driven from Matter
In the future the Fear of Flight renewed Whose verses dictate the Law
Unchangeable in the eyes of God Whispered genius to the ears of man
So can another Dream a powerful Boy With every Heart in the Cage that binds us
Under a huge Hypnotic Spell introduced By the first of the Commonwealth
Directly indeed into the Kingdom Under Of these she is exact to the Lips
The pieces that break all in Likeness They take it and examine it
Alone on the Shores of the Heart A Brother left by a man Forsaken
With two claws by the spring Of which the shuttle was loaded
For it is found to go across the Ink Wave Surface thoughts switch the Oldest Game
On the shelves because Pain of the Eyelids In the Cold of the Night
Which is what all Armies hold that always look to the Stars