
excerpts from Histories of the Viridian Crest, etc.

 by Juan Armando Lawton 

    the Crest of the family Viridian displays a variety of sigils depicting crustaceans and an assortment of marine biology as represented in the kingdom of Poseidon. The interlocutory legends passed down in remembrance convey a synopsis of approval for the dovetailing of concurrent aspects. 

   Since I am the author of the Blogdom of Thorns, named such after my having generated enough blogs under three separate accounts covering their comprehensive interconnection, I have carefully curated and cultivated their fruit and offspring since their various inceptions evolved enough so that you could say they've grown into a tangled up labyrinth of little literary gardens, grown specifically for the fabled offspring of the dear reader, that I happen to know from experience (and having returned with faculties more or less intact enough to certify) that legion of hungry readers remain, and furthermore, brought up on a diet of every slick and sensational popular horror and science fiction meme we could imagine, coupled with our growing menu of options as we sail further into the unfolding singularity together, nevermind weathering the onslaught of titanic storms against us in the face of growing chaos causing the upheaval and demolition of the old world order into the newly shattered flowing river of molten dreams resurrecting itself in a myriad splendor of manifestations we've dubbed the new order, there's no limit to all the stories yet to be told blossoming out in overwhelming suddenness, to carry us forward on these tributaries of chance, as I've found the consuming appetite of our present collection of would be readers to be overwhelming, if I were even to start to say the least.  Now where was I. 

    Viridian is a character in development, whose blood runs green with chlorophyll, and whose lineage traces back to dovetail into an ancestry of the trees, and who's blessed to be a soldier in an elite cadre named the Guardians of Ambush, and cursed to begin rapidly growing roots the moment he becomes still, thus he's always on the move, you'll never see him take off his long Australian oilskin duster, nor pocket the keys to his vehicle should he happen to grace your hearth for some split moments one afternoon, always on the move with the slipstream, Viridian doesn't stick around that long, which is one of the reasons most think he's just a legend, a story made up by a college drop out, but I'm here to tell you he's all too real, I mean real as in an actual guy living in our world, who hardly ever gets sick, who stays young looking to others because it's not only in his genes but he's both young at heart and true to himself, just the sort of guy who's actually more common among us than either of us would be predisposed to think.  There's a lot of good guys like him around, it turns out, you just never hear about them and even when you see them out there sitting on the bus across from you or walking down the sidewalk as you drive by, they're the real heroes because of how true to themselves they all happen to be, and no one else would necessarily know.   

      As for Viridian himself, forget about him.  You may have spoken with him once at a bus stop, he may have conversed with you in a friendly manner at the coffee shop once or twice, about a band the barista had just been talking about. But you're not likely to see him come in again due to the fact he's anchored to the wind.  It's as if he can't stay behind when the rain is lashing sideways and lightning flashes blind the nighttime in a photo-concussion of white that rapidly fades away revealing after images of an assembly of specters before your eyes. That's just how it is because of his natural orientation to the plasmic energy lingering in the air. He's the sort of guy who could walk right by you on a crowded street and you'd never know, not because he was lost among the many faces drifting by, but because his striding gait conjures a series of temporal whirlpools evenly spaced out behind him that obfuscate he was ever there. Most people shrug entities like him off as if they're forgettable yet rest assured, he's anything but that.  This is a creature with a natural possession for controlling their plasmic energy on temporal levels as well as along physical diametrical resonance response wavelength vectors and attributions. In other words we're talking about someone with psionic powers, even if they never advanced that far from post adolescence in learning more about how to control them properly. Just another ordinary human being lost among the rest with untapped potential. 

    One of Viridian's many latent natural powers was pyrokinesis. It may sound a bit strange for a plant creature to be in possession of this power, but come to think of it, existence is strange. He never really developed this ability consciously because frankly, he did not want to watch the world burn.  Perhaps that went a long way toward explaining his alliance with the kingdom of Poseidon. Viridian's heart always felt a tug of gravity toward the sea. Echoed in passages of a long lost fabled script known to have been whispered about on the winds as the Synchronomicon, a certain ballast against the forces of flame and darkness could begin to be discerned in the twinned outlines of Amra and Viridian, friends pitted together as heroes against the unknown.  Circumstantial vortices beyond their control sent their formerly separate life trajectories on a collision course whose outcome could only be unification or annihilation. The double spiral helical storm entwined about their psychic energy and created a bond that would last a lifetime.  Little did they know all along that their mere presence together stirred enough wonder in the hearts of others that it cast a light into the heart of darkness for many generations to come.  

      They were like a dynamic duo, only weird heroes. The empire they confronted had been slowly built up inside their heads good and proper, like a real dream world ought to be.  Together they lanced into the brighter territories of a realm heretofore unexplored, ready at a moment's notice to never turn back.  Turn back they never did.  Let's get that straightaway.  They encountered many portals across their extensive travels. Always willing to step right through them, knowing there may not be a way back. Two valiant friends who stood defiant against the world in their united dream of brotherhood.  Amra Crysten & Viridian of the Guardians of Ambush, often considered to be two rogue loners who banded together after being captive on the same pirate ship, to the few who could have known had they survived. 

     So very few survived the plague years, as if a void passed through us all that chewed and swallowed half of us up.  Another revolution before the next lick of the tongue. Our sense of time has begun to unravel. Not that we had any real sense of it in the first place. Just saying. Viridian happens to know all about time, which shouldn't come as a surprise when you know he's a temporal doppelganger, which is to say a clone of an emissary seeded here from the future. It's a bit difficult to get across in terms of conventional meaning. Suffice it to say that Viridian Thornswrath devoted his life to staying true to his sworn company of trees in the Guardians of Ambush since that long ago day he was knighted through a ceremony of accolade bestowed by an elderly oak, before which Viridian kneeled, head bowed down. 

     The vision of the edge of the forest bordering on the blossoming meadow was permanently etched into Viridian's mind during the lengthening shadows of that evening.  He could never forget the trunks of the trees diminishing into the darkness to resemble shields, and their long outstretched branches like spears being held in the silence of night.  The trees themselves assembled like soldiers of a vast army, one taken root yet in constant movement on the true battlefield of time.  This open secret Viridian knew all too well in his heart, from experience time and again with his friend in the dark.  The many adventures he and Amra had embarked upon were enough to fill many books serializing these escapades, many of which remain hard to believe during the hectic pace of the digital age.  True to the era they lived in they were. 

     The adventures of Amra and Viridian become the stuff of legend in time.  If only the audience of their story knew that the wonders and miracles in their fabulous exploits pale by contrast to what they actually underwent (and not the other way around)!  Here lies a secret buried under heaping layers of mysteries overlapping one another in a tapestry of shrouds:     emerging from these swirling mists, the two step out onto the very frontier of the known world together. The arc of their vision twinned from the mirrored parabolas of their minds in a harmonic convergence that not merely doubled their signal but produced a triarchy of plasmic connection known in these cases to operate with sudden unexpected success paving their way forward through a storm of events.  The fabric of reality itself occasionally altered during these circumstances. It's a perfectly natural phenomenon for grounded bicameral beings. 

    Viridian belongs to an old line of growing channelers of the winds of change.  




Any View of the Stars

    by  shaun  lawton  

   within the hollow cavity
  of emptiness      filling out
  the starry void      in spectral shadings
   of radiance       shed in eventually
 to be altogether lost   upon the fading tides of time 

  withdrawn from our presence    in the starred fracture 
 of our recollection    while we're swept
 along in the current  swimming sometimes 
and other times      hanging onto a piece 
of driftwood for dear life 

 these white water rapids     have grown in time 
to really be sweeping   us all along that's when 
the waters rise   and if we haven't
 already we best  learn to swim 
 as has been    oft repeated   
now and again

 while we're supposed  to be helping each other 
transcend instead we're   beholden to some
   extremist notion or another   let's face it
 if we don't set aside   our differences
  to help each other    and our children
  get through this   we won't stand
  a chance as a country

 because together we stand    and divided we fall 
and yes we've been told  this over and over for so long 
 have we forgotten    what's going on
and at what point   in our lives do 
 we lose touch     with the song being 
   celebrated year after year 

  since long before the day    we were born
and already many    cycles of decades hence, 
   we accelerate into the future     together growing 
 as a human race,   it can only take strength 
 to get us this far as it demands    us to every
 waking day     of our life.  

Any view   of the stars    is enough. 
Within the hypno-cryptonaut's helm
   the view can distort  a fraction enough
 to cause a bit  of disorientation



 by  Shaun Lawton 

Like waves crashing on the shore

or faces sunk in darkness 
between webs of the sun 

below nourished by green 
stagnant pools the ghost catches fish 
with a net (the profiles of the Maya kings 
are emptied) a legion
 in the light of darkness 

cephalopod in the eyes of a preview 
 or is it a completely windy spider
 it whistles in diamond drops 
you only protest against
 for the multitude of names 

the human heart is a polished
 mineral, it  contracts around 
the transgressors sunken rosaries 
from the question of the Titanic 

They wait for the crowns 
of the demons of the royal gardens
 Oh, green bullet, eagle of the deep!

 pouring forth incense, a cloud of figures
 the image of the faces through the crown 
of the eyes Angels, of birds in the shredding

 The ancient days of stellar parallax extend 
within a quarter of the time to the heart 
of the grave in the rebirth of the cruel 
they bounce from the well-fed open holes


 by shaun lawton 

Sicut fluctus in litore fragosus

facies mersa in tenebris

inter tela solis infra

enutritus viridi stagnantibus stagnis

phantasmata captat pisces setam

in evacuatur perfiles Maya reges

legio in luce tenebris

cephalopod in oculis a praevisus

aut est aranea prorsus ventus

sibilat in diamantinis guttulis

tu modo obtestaturque multitudinem nomina

humanum cor politum minerale

contactus in circuitu

praevaricatores mersa quasi rosarii

e quaestione de navi Titanic

daemonum coronarum curalium hortorum exspectant

O, glans viridis, aquila profundi!

effundens incensum, turbida figurarum

de vultuum imago per coronam oculorum

angeli avium in shredding

Antiquus dierum quae in parallaxi stellari

intra quadrantem temporis protendere

ad cor sepulchri in renascentia truces

resilient a bene pascebantur apertis foraminis


the night forest.

The mantra of the moment becomes wick'd into 
a slit-eyed candle flame within an instant 
 and before you know it creatures thought 
familiar turn feral as they round a corner
 of the street beneath the flickering lamplight 
of a neighborhood ensconced within a Lucretian 
crater of shadow because within these pockets 
of concealed darkness, the entire world's order
 of things works itself out in the dead of night 
down rotten old alleyways, where you can still 
hear the rattling echoes of kicked cans and worn out 
hoary shouts to the winter gods, when the edge 
of the primeval forest line sweeps up behind one 
like a tide creeping up into their rearview mirror, 
a visible whispered reminder that no matter how 
far away you might escape, there's no releasing 
 the hold the night forest has on your soul.  


Led to Believe

 by  shaun  lawton 

     Once again, it's my birthday, and today is weird since I begin my 60th year on this planet.  So let's get one thing straight right away.  I do not turn sixty until next year.  I am still in my 50s, so thank our universal equilibrium for that. It's weird, while part of me does seem to remain relatively unphased by the decades piling on, there's another part of me sitting here shocked and dismayed about it.  (No sir, I don't like it.)  Then again, my worrisome mind eases itself back into a state of complacency and acceptance in almost no time at all.  One thing I've learned after all these years...is that I'm super resilient like that. 

     Above is the snapshot I took of my work desk this morning, with my breakfast laid out on top of it. First is the cup of coffee, which we always buy whole bean, organic, and I grind it up fresh every morning and prepare it with a stainless steel French press.  Next is the one banana I always have with my coffee, since I've been led to believe that the potassium in bananas helps absorb the acidity in coffee, and that's presumably why folk living down in the tropics (where bananas are plentiful) don't suffer the acidity in their coffee that much.  If you think about it, the coffee bean is a berry, so yeah...I prefer consuming nothing but fruit & berries for breakfast. High in antioxidants, the food of the gods. I once read that eating fruit for breakfast is easier on our digestion, so to be honest, that's good enough for me.  I love cantaloupe and grapes too, so the more variety of fruit the better.  

     We are led to believe a lot of things, and sometimes our brains try to process it, only to reject it out of hand; I don't know really, but I can say that I myself lie somewhat balanced in between extremes as a "Skeptical Believer," which is a phrase I learned from John Shirley, who used to write an online column with that title.  I suspect that if I were to undergo a comprehensive analysis about just what percentage of the way from "Skeptical" (say, 1 on the scale of 10) to a complete "Believer" (a 10) I happen to be, well I'm of the mind that I most likely rank at least a 6 or 7 (or even higher) which I find very interesting, indeed. 

     I often suspect I was born an 11 on that scale.  A total Believer...  (That doesn't mean I'm religious.  Just that I Believe...in nothing.   Which-in-turn-leads-to-something-that-in-the-end-becomes-nothing-at-all-so-you-go-figure-it-out-for-yourself)  ...So let me tell you what.  The overwhelming magnitude and intensity with which I Believe (in nothing and something) is such that even the healthiest dose of skepticism injected into my consciousness would likely bring that rating of an "11" down to a decent 6 or 9!  That's how powerful our need to believe (in anything) seems to me.  I've read that we human beings are more or less "born to believe," which is to say, it's a deep-seated drive to want to find meaning in this life.  And that's the very crux of the matter, right there.  We shape our own respective realities. 

     If you ask me, I suspect the power to believe may actually be programmed into us, written in the very code that produces DNA and infuses our planet with this spectacular and miraculous thing we call Life. Whether this drive to rationalize our existence remains a sort of complex algorithm encoded in our genetic scripture, or merely subsists as a fundamental and singular aspect of being a "one" instead of a "zero" in our existence, well anyone's guess could be as poor as mine...

     There's no room for doubt that nonetheless, I Believe.  I'm sort of like an atheist who believes in God. That's because I've actually taken the intellectual leap (anyone can do it, it's not that hard, easy as falling off a cliff) to determine by a process of inference that the ever-elusive idea of absolute truth must be tantamount to the notion of paradox.  I am telling you right here and now that my mind has divined and locked onto this concept and for lack of a better explanation, has by default allowed this seemingly incongruous notion to replace any ideology such as what drives religions or people to believe in the existence of God, etc.  God is Nothing, I am Everything. I am Nothing, God is Everything. As Janis Joplin once famously put it, "It's all the same fucking day, man."  

     As Walt Whitman so eloquently stated, “I am large, I contain multitudes.”  I can wrap my mind around most of that, so sure I stand with both of my feet planted directly on terra firma, as the saying goes, but more to the point, what I've come to understand is that by doing so properly, I remain true to the very ground of being, which just so happens to be time itself, and not just the dirty ground we stand upon.  It's sort of like learning to walk a highwire tightrope, and getting so accustomed to it that you're no longer aware of doing it.  The main difference being that instead of a sheer drop-off on either side of your tightrope walk, you have the past to your right and the future to your left.  Ignoring those ephemeral concepts of past & future allows us to focus on the here and now. That's as close as I can come to describing my belief system.  So happy birthday to me... I have been led to believe...in the here and now, at the very least. 

     Cheers to you all!    

Fractal Dragon of the Moment
Do what thou blooming wilt shall be the whole of reality


Azsacra Zarathustra: ϟ Electric ϟ Ecliptic ϟ



The Over Without a man! 
Absolute Break of the Spirit! 
Death against Death! Nothing to Power 
and Emptiness to Supremacy! 
It comes always without any clothes 
and appreciative audience. 
Any «heroic aesthetics» and 
every «political heroism» 
is but the hidden cowardice 
of the «hero».

       Who is the mysterious online figure known as Azsacra Zarathustra?  Some of us (who have spent a lot of time on the world wide web) have glimpsed his visage lurking along these cybernetic circuits and hallways, and perhaps wondered.  A quick online search will yield some curious and alarming headlines, in addition to somewhat disturbing images of him:  lurid slogans such as "The Devil of Philosophy,"  "Utopia as Weapon," "Danger is the Initial Condition of Philosophy,"  "Creator of Shunyarevolution," and "Symbol of Nothing to Power" remain just some of the sensationalist reports, some of which include savage images of him inflicting what would be perceived as bodily damage to most, but for him seem to function as severe punctuation marks to carry across his meaning to let it better sink in, than to elicit cheap thrills from idle browsers of the web. As far as I'm concerned, these shocking impressions and tortures to self honestly depict his true essence.  I've gotten to know him better over the past couple of years by having connected on Facebook, and for starters, I can tell you his name is Andrei, and I consider him a friend because I like him, and I believe he's real, and so we've pierced the veil of the online social utility networks that connect us, and to our pleasant surprise, have formed a long distance friendship of sorts, despite his being kept a veritable prisoner in the Urals of Russia.  

       Referred to often as a poet-mystic and anti-philosopher (as well as anti-filmmaker), cursory internet searches produce random images of him skewering his cheeks with long sharpened rods, or carving himself with large knives, holding his hands over open flames, allowing scorpions and poisonous centipedes to crawl over his face and shoulders, and some photos have been posted that display him permitting others to bludgeon his torso with heavy chains and iron mallets, objectively in stark demonstrations of machismo, although his reasoning covers much wider ground than that. But of course, to some idle passersby browsing the web, it would appear he may be some sort of internet shock jock, or something.  A cursory skimming of his surface appearance might lead anyone on a wide variety of disparate reactions, or trigger them to leap to all sorts of conclusions without bothering to look into his character any further. What you will find, should you trouble yourself to determine the facts about him, is that he's a supremely conscientious deep thinker who despises fascism and anything to do with extreme conservativism that leads to autocracies and oligarchies worldwide.    

      These days leaping straight to the Island of Conclusions has become all too common, unfortunately.  It's no wonder that many who merely skim the surface clues of this esoteric person would get the mistaken impression he's some sort of extreme nationalist, or any sort of baseless shockmeister, perhaps even a facile proponent of evil, an accusation absurd as it may be which nevertheless is to be expected in this day and age of the ever-shortening attention span and the all-too-eager to condemn out of hand. Let me say that as far as I'm concerned, nothing could be further from the case.  For one thing, he's not the Persian / pro-Islamic Zarathustra, he's based in Russia and India, which he considers his two primordial Sacred Native Lands.  His philosophical language has been derived from both Russian and Sanskrit.  He's a self-described "Indo-European" thinker, or "Indo-Aryan," as he likes to put it. He's trying to revive the Spiritus Mundi, to help it awaken to combat and in his words, "overwhelm the consumer-addictive illusions of post-contemporary and temporarily weakened Europe." 

"Is everything an illusion? Yes, everything is an illusion
of an illusion, everything is a copy of a copy,
but only you alone will die in reality." ~ AZ 
 "Believe nothing.  Nothing is true. 
Nothing is real. Nothing matters. 
But the bird will always kill the Buddha, 
if the Buddha replaces a bird." ~AZ


       You may be led to think that Azsacra Zarathustra might be in need of taking advantage of attention-grabbing shock tactics just to help him get "clicks" or to separate him from the rest of the pack, but actually he's always been a rogue agent, a lone wolf by nature.  A closer examination of his legacy will reveal that his anti-philosophical stance and treatises all point toward a de facto grounded willpower resolute in its unflinching stand against any and all forms of negativity, including the types of negative thinking that so effortlessly gum up the machinations of our modern industry and time and again corrode the foundation of a fair and democratic society.  He's always been against money-leeching, power-mad sycophants, of which (unfortunately) there's no lack of in today's burgeoning population cultivated from underneath our rotting floorboards.  Where in the Hell else are all these wanna-be autocrats and aspiring dictators spewing up from, if not the infernal bowels of human nature itself? 

       Even after a casual glance at an online black-and-white photograph of his strong muscled body covered in what might appear to some as questionable tattoos, it turns out that a more careful overview of their intended point will reveal they are not neo-fascist markings or any other such trendy nonsense at all, but rather, the decisive symbology of a primal and humanistic retaliation against all futile ideograms and oppressive scripts which happen to be in tribute to worn-out authoritarian tropes.  Azsacra Zarathustra has time and again proclaimed himself the vital enemy of rightwing neofascists the world over. In his own words, "There will be a revolution from within! For this purpose the 'soul of each' will pass through the Over-active Shunya―a magical and terrible Zero point―a point of Nothing to Power and Emptiness to Supremacy."  


A rebellious intuitive Yes to Life against all rules 
of "will to power."  The conservative "will to power"
as the political dictatorial Absolute is Absolute Treachery
of real Enigmatic Life and the Secrets of Eternal Rebellion.

       What does Shunya mean, exactly?  More cursory internet searches will yield simplifications of the term as meaning, more or less, "a neutral state of nothingness," and while this may technically be valid, the significance, as exemplified by our life-force in all its myriad glories, reveals a much more pertinent understanding of the term to be necessary.  Shunya's association with stillness and receptivity provide us with another deepening clue.  It's at this point of my essay that I must depart from conventional approaches and instead, focus on my own particular identification with this concept, for in this manner alone I feel that I stand a better chance at hearkening a micro-degree closer to its irrepressible and infinitesimal essence. 

       For me, it also means to "shun you," which is to say, eliminate the ego completely and eradicate our base and mechanistic essence from existence, in other words, to remove one's self from our own consciousness as if we were attempting to step out of our own shoes and then dare to take that first barefoot step onto the irrepressible ground of reality.   I'm sure an entire book could be written about the actual diverse meanings behind the term Shunya, and I figure many books have already been published concerning the various manifestations and approaches different cultures have had about the same basic concept.  

       In the interest of keeping focused on our subject at hand here, I will forego the necessity to go into more detail about it, and instead let my reader's minds fixate on the idea of Shunya from whatever purchase they may be equipped to make, in the hopes they will allow themselves to be guided from within, and blossom towards the light of understanding their own discovery. After all, it's the only way for anyone to learn anything, really. Suffice it to be said that wise men throughout the ages have often indicated the paradox of just how everything in creation appears to have come from nothing.  

शून्य :±х शून्यता = ही ऊर्जा है |
↑△↑ शून्य क्रांति का समय निकट आ रहा है।
↓▽↓ निरपेक्ष क्रांति का समय निकट आ रहा है।।
△↑△ Nihil:±хlihiN ↑△↑

       Arrows stabbing inward, arrows pointing outward. These are just some of the symbols of chaos and order empowered. They are the sigils that may help trigger consciousness, if not conscientiousness; and they just as easily may help generate senselessness and pathogenesis, if we're not careful enough.  It always depends on the interpreter, of course.  As a decipherer of both dreams and reality myself, I don't want to lose track of the main thrust of my analysis, here. I need to stay focused on the subject at hand while declaring my autonomy.

       So how may we dare to take that first barefoot step onto the irrepressible ground of reality? The answer to that is as easy as it is simple.  By being aware that time remains the actual essence upon which we are truly grounded.  As to how we go about focusing ourselves on staying grounded in time exactly, well that remains another sort of discourse altogether. 

       I don't happen to be aware of any conscious method or tricks. Instead, I seem to have accepted that I must've gained some sort of natural inclination to live in the present moment, whatever that means. If you ask me, I think it's a mental conditioning, an outlook, if you will.  Perhaps being able to more or less let the past go, and to somehow not overly concern one's self with the future, which is to suggest this penchant might yield the mental conditioning to stay more focused on the present and it's infinitude of potential, but in what manner I don't know exactly...I just get the feeling I'm more or less in tune with the present moment, regardless of why or how I manage to do it. I don't know, they say even a broken clock is right twice a day; so maybe that's what I am, just another man breaking against the wheel of time. It's not an easy thing to explain, trust me on this. 

Void :±х Voidness = is energy.
↑△↑ The time of zero revolution is approaching.
↓▽↓ The time of absolute revolution is approaching.
△↑△ Nihil:±хlihiN ↑△↑

       Azsacra Zarathustra appears to be a man who remains unbroken on whatever wheel he may be willfully or otherwise strapped onto, be it an ancient torture device made of rusted iron or the imperceptible machinations of time itself, as if he may have imbibed and processed some of his vanquished predecessor's ruminations, such as the old adage "what doesn't kill me, makes me stronger."   Whereas Nietzsche learned this out of "life's school of war," Azsacra has decidedly one-upped his opponent by having learned his Shunyarevolution aesthetic from our own warring school of life!  

       Azsacra delves deeper, into and through the heart of Nothingness, to emerge in the Here and Now victorious with his affirmation for the Yes of Life! But its not as easy as I make it sound, because it's one thing to glibly assert "you must enter through the gateway of the void to emerge upon the solid ground of being," and quite another to follow through with the total dissolution of the ego and then to stand tall with head raised on high and eyes focused on our own event horizon.  

       With the aforementioned summary of Azsacra Zarathustra's anti-positional and paradoxical philosophic persona rooted in the ground zero of Shunyarevolution, it doesn't require that much intelligence for the dawning of comprehension to begin illuminating that liminal space behind the eyes (the ordinarily undead compacted zone of gray matter sparkling with reflexive chemical and electrical signaling, the mechanistic and semiautomatic behavioral regulations which indubitably mark the everyman's robotic programming) but rather, it just requires a receptive heart that beats to sustain an equally open mind.

From the point of view of TDAS 
[The Theory of the Destruction of All Systems]: 
There is no crime, except endless existence of the System. 
That is: The only crime is the System itself, and nothing more. 
Hence: There is no crime in the Absolute Spiritual Revolt per se and in infinity.

       As it happens, keeping an open heart and mind seems to be a combination in people that's becoming scarcer the further across time we develop. Whether that's just a natural illusion or trick of the light or even more of a dissolution of mentality among a rapidly growing humanity, I don't know, and to be honest, have no need of finding out.  As far as I'm concerned, the big mysteries should remain preserved. Man(un)kind seems to be here in greater numbers than ever, bringing with it a seemingly ceaseless barrage against the very nature that somehow conspired by a mysterious agency to conceive us in the first place.  Some may go and try to figure. Others will stay rooted and resist! 

        Azsacra Zarathustra may be a lot of things, among the more striking for me remains his obsession over caring for animals, in particular his having founded Maiastra, an establishment I'm not exactly sure remains in the Urals of Russia or somewhere in India, except that it's a center for providing help to wounded animals, including apex predators from tigers to birds of prey, along with any natural wildlife requiring treatment in the vicinity.  (I’ve determined since this article was published that Maiastra was, indeed, located in Russia, but has been destroyed by that totalitarian state some years ago.)  Andrei’s lifelong devotion toward helping injured creatures of the wild remains just one of his many personal features, and dovetails with the arcane role he's cultivated since daring to transcend the various ideological challenges of philosophy, which can lead to distressing pitfalls as easily as they can secure bridges for us to advance forward. 

       In his willful subjugation of the more domineering aspects of prior philosophical concepts that have helped to occasionally pave humanity's pathway toward despotism, autocracy and tyranny, I find Azsacra Zarathustra's counterintuitive approach to be a refreshing recourse that serves to help us all gather the courage and strength required to lionize our own refutations of the imperious aspects of totalitarian dogma which invariably lead toward dictatorships and help to foster the sort of power-hungry regimes our world has been steadfastly struggling to outgrow ever since the day each one of us were born.  On a bad day, this struggle seems futile at best; and on a good day, our dream of overcoming tyranny in all its manifestations may still seem tantalizingly out of our reach, like the mirage of an oasis perpetually rippling on the horizon. 

Freedom Viewed from the Right? No.
Freedom Viewed from the Left? No.
Freedom Viewed beyond the Left and the Right? No.
Freedom Viewed only: Ex Nihilo!
Out of Nothing! From NihillihiN!

        It has been stated over and over by many around the world and throughout history that "fire must be fought with fire," and echoes of this may be traced about Azsacra's campaign to annihilate tyranny's fearmongering with fear itself, the foremost thing we have been advised to be most cautious of.  It's a disarming tactic to be sure, and may even backfire on occasion, as might be illustrated in the severe reactions to Azsacra's somewhat intimidating online presence. If anything, the rigid character of his symbolist approach can be misleading and even disheartening, were it to be taken the wrong way or mischaracterized.  Fear itself has practically become our daily bread, at least here in the United States of America, where our two major political parties have faced off against one another with an uncompromising opposition I'm not sure we've really seen become this far gone, before now. Add to this mix the wars raging abroad, and you have a recipe for being nervous, if not worse. 

       Azsacra Zarathustra does not speak in unsolvable riddles, but rather paves a path forward for our spirit and souls to see our way through the contemporary underbrush of our cybernetic machinations that would otherwise keep us spellbound under ceaseless fusillades of fear.  His constant struggle works toward the Absolute Making of the Spirit by both defying and ultimately destroying fear itself, which we should all keep in mind remains our proverbial Enemy #1, if we are to take the words and wisdom of FDR to heart.  To quote Azsacra, "I build upon my philosophy in order to deprive man of his 'indispensable fear.'"  In this roundabout way, he leads us to better develop our own bravery and fearlessness.   

       While on the surface and at one glance Azsacra Zarathustra may appear intimidating and even scary to many among us idly browsing the world wide web today, with some going so far as to automatically conclude he appears to be up to no good, while truly his keen and focused mentality has been deadlock aimed at nothing short of taking on the responsibility of all lives–all at once–and without the idea of separating "bad" and "good" acts of bravery.  To quote him once again, "To be strong really means to be, as bequeathed from Nietzsche, beyond Good and Evil," further clarifying with his own personal flourish, "to be only in the Flaming Depth of one's own fearless heart."

Only: The Revolution from within!
Only and Par Excellence: 0 →↑← 0

       To me, Andrei remains a friend and fellow poet, an editor in his own right and affiliated mastermind that I met online and with whom I've made a consequential connection.  As I channel his electric NihillihiN philosophical current to augment my own visions, I see this new latter day land through the eyes of the dead who were led by the hand to the valley behind the shadow of death, and it helps to regulate my own heartbeat and to be more conscious of whenever I take a breath. Perhaps its his sense of immediacy that I react to, yet nevertheless I can see what he means about destroying our ego to focus on being plugged into the moment, since after all, there's no time like the present. Like all human beings, Azsacra Zarathustra is a conductor of electricity, but unlike most of us, he knows it and thus can channel the infinite potential of its force.      

Syntherian Azsacra model 2.0


Our line of sight in the Revolution:
One must learn to ride the dragons ↑
Dragons of Horror kill dragons of fear ↑
The Revolution from within ↑ …
Beyond the beyond and Upward ↑
Beyond all forms, and no forms ϟ
To think about Shunya only with
the help of Lightnings ϟ ϟ ϟ ϟ


Dragons of horror kill dragons of fear 

       The alpha symbol at the top of this human interest story as well as the omega-variant located at the bottom  (of an eagle flying free) represent what I think of as the core essence of Andrei.  I conjured this variant of a stock image I found online, first colorizing it (the 'alpha' version at the top of this article), and then I applied my Griffin-style template (from my hidden file of classified synthography techniques) which resulted in the beautiful tapestry of coruscating energy patterns you see below in the 'omega' version.  I really like how it looks like internal organs within the biological tree of life as seen through a hallucinogenic lens.  When death eventually claims each and every one of us, our true spiritual lives will begin once again of course, and our individual transformations into the next iteration of the eternal cycle of life and death will recommence, and I'll bet the exact nature of how we're recycled through the endless mobius of creation will continue to remain unknown to our various incarnations, and that's as it should be, because nothing can be more beautiful than the enigma of our existence. It's a puzzler that one of my many fictional alter egos, variously named and described as Viridian or Thorn, Guardian of Ambush, soldier for the army of trees (instead of men), and Mystifier, they all kind of merge into one abstract figure that I imagine to be this antihero whose sole mission remains to protect the eternal secret from ever being revealed.  

Every will to power is but the same will-downwards [↓]
Any rebellious philosophy, which becomes ideology of the System
— diligently serves and feeds the same damned spirit of gravity: ↓

     Azsacra Zarathustra's poetry means a lot of things to a lot of people.  For me, it connects directly to the great mystery, becoming inseparable from lightning itself.  His philosophical musings amount to the voltage of an orchestra, or the coruscating voice of a choir.  His statements echo the crackling whiplash of plasmic energy. His vision is like the avatar of awakening from nightmare into dream.  When he says "I'll be dead soon," not only does he mean it, it's also a stark reminder that we will all be dead soon, as a matter of fact.  But at least we may rest assured of one thing.  After he sheds this mortal coil, even if tragically all too soon, Azsacra Zarathustra will have grown a million mouths by then, and you better believe they will all Scream in unison! 

Andrei Free At Last


Circumventing the Nexus

   As the electromagnetic event unfolds along the spatial coordinates 
of the axes humankind is most attuned to, ripples in realtime expand outward, 
often at the same time and never in sync. Despite all the old stories having been lost, 
somehow from deep within their forgotten lore, diamonds emerge that stick in the memory 
of all who behold them. These gem points are more like moments in time, separated 
by annihilating whirlpools and casting their solitary light upon these shifting battlefields 
as one single shadow leaning into the setting sun. An array of eyelets letting in the light, 
pinholes in a shroud draped over the world. The inner organs of the super attenuated manifestations 
of light reveal themselves after having performed their function, in a sort of turned-inside-out array 
of spatial configuration set above us all as if we are upon the dot of the very punctuation mark 
we dare question. Simply step up onto the podium to ask and watch the world retreat around you,
hiss the whispers echoing in the wind. Such it has always been since the mind like men's be questioned. Such it will always be to see thine self in the same  mirrored reflection. We travel forward hoping to circumvent the nexus left in the wake of our predecessors who hoped we would not awaken. 
We move along the timeline with eyes wide open looking forward to score a token of appreciation 
for the path we have taken. We walk in electromagnetic harmony with the conductor and reactor 
after dreaming in a state of suspension in slumber. We circumvent the nexus even as it helps correct us. 



 dysmorphalize into shapeless blobs  
            to forming

Sweet Premonition

by  Shaun Lawton  

   Yesterday while at work I went into this rhetorical rhapsody, when I expressed to a couple of coworkers, how nice it would to be a multi-millionaire or billionaire, which brought about my rumination over the classic question, would you rather be rich & miserable or poor & happy, to which I quickly added, my dream is to be rich & happy, and isn't it true they say if you go after your dream with enough diligence, it will come true?  

    I then went on to explain how I could cash out one million dollars in bundled $100 bills, stuff 'em in a gym bag just like in the movies, and then go around handing out wads of cash to people.  If  I were to divide one million between eighteen transporters on my team, they'd each receive $55,555.55.   I could do this every year, cash out a cool million, and focus on a different group of people.  I'd start with my family, of course, then each year work outwards to friends, coworkers, and by the third or fourth year, going out in the street, until I described how fun it would be to get up on top of the roof of a city building and just let the hundred dollar bills scatter on the wind, down into the street below. 

   Was this a premonition of the movie my wife & I then watched on NETFLIX that very night?  The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar, a short 45 min film directed by Wes Anderson and starring Benedict Cumberbatch based on a tale by Roald Dahl.  There's a scene in the film where Henry Sugar, the titular hero of the story, does exactly what I vividly described earlier in the day.  He begins throwing money off his porch down to the street below, causing a bit of a ruckus while people scream and shove to grab the cash with their hands.  

   My dream has always been to be happy.  I've dreamed of being a famous author, poet, even movie director before in my life.  Mostly I've dreamed of remaining an A-class poet.  I don't know if deep inside me something recognizes that if you dream of more than one thing (for example, "being happy and rich"), that you might be asking for too much.  

   Of course my ultimate realization is that I am already rich.  I own a house, have a beautiful wife and son, have been working happily and successfully as a supervisor in the radiology department of a major hospital for the past sixteen years.  I don't earn a salary, but rather get paid a decent hourly wage, which on occasion I get paid overtime when covering extra shifts as needed.  My online networking with social media has been going strong for bordering on twenty years, and I have a widespread connection with at least one hundred successful authors.  I've befriended a few of my favorite writers, and have kept my labor of love the Freezine of Fantasy and Science Fiction going as an open forum blog for fourteen years now.  

    My mom is eighty years old and going healthy and strong, despite or because of the roster of typical medications someone of her age are on, blood thinners etc. Her vitality and energy and drive are things I obviously inherited from her, genetically, and she's happily married to her 3rd husband going on 28 years now.  We are blessed in this life in far more ways than we might ordinarily stop to consider. I am so thankful for not only having a dream in my heart since I was a teenager, but that the flame that keeps it kindled is going stronger than ever after all these years, despite the string of hardships and tragedies that lie behind me in my wake.  I'm grateful for having kept an open mind enough my whole life to not really double down on any given conviction concerning our reality, divinity, or any other such matters. 

    My personal relationship with the universe appears to remain sustained and centered from the vantagepoint of knowing we exist here on Earth in this singular oasis amid oceans of time our minds cannot fully fathom.  I'm indebted to all my teachers and friends and family for their guidance and for showing me support by acknowledging my existence.  I have discovered my own way of refraining from absolute conclusions enough to cultivate my capacity to believe anything in the face of a world growing and changing so fast as to keep anyone's head spinning from it all.  By grounding myself as an agnostic, I have created an eye in the storm, and balanced my ability to keep the chaos just beyond arm's reach.  From this neutral cockpit I've allowed my life to be directed. Praise be to the lack of void and the void from which this lack of it lasts.  



Kaleidoscope Dissection

 by Shaun Lawton  

From behind the porcelain façade, the world's face cracks like a teacup
  while shifting through variant accelerations 
as an ever morphing sculpture setting in the sudden heat of the cosmic
kiln dictating the mask worn in the universal moment. This is not an illustration.
   One planetary eye swivels in polar magnetic attraction to focus afar 
while others roll in their orbital sockets as translucent veils of the lid lower
  like sunsets on the distant horizons of some as yet undiscovered exoplanets. 
     The netting cuts through like a sieve of carnality in a kinescopic anatomization 
    here, while the nebulous process, having given kinetic birth to astral wombs, 
   then forges itself in the ardent seizure of possession at the conjugal germination 
  junction mirrored against the unapproachable vortex, thus causing the illusion 
 we glimpse today through the ever advancing magnifying lenses we develop.
    While the holographic interface manages to come into focus, we end up running
      down a dream with an ebbing battery charge of diminishing returns sealed up
     vacuum tight in ceremonial urns lined up along an axis of matrices rotating 
    at a right angle to the differential of an inherently reversible process 
   giving witness to the birth of entropy and eternity's periodic sacrifice.



 I'd like to study the figure of the After Map   It's various Etchings in Darkness

The trap itself drawn into the pillow  A deck and island of border teeth

Death with holes for the eyes and nostrils   Of the head on the side under the calm 

Harbor waves trapped by having secrets    In the dark hidden to Different Memories

With his sons on every border   Point of Anti driven from Matter

In the future the Fear of Flight renewed   Whose verses dictate the Law

Unchangeable in the eyes of God   Whispered genius to the ears of man

So can another Dream a powerful Boy    With every Heart in the Cage that binds us

Under a huge Hypnotic Spell introduced    By the first of the Commonwealth

Directly indeed into the Kingdom Under  Of these she is exact to the Lips

The pieces that break all in Likeness  They take it and examine it

Alone on the Shores of the Heart   A Brother left by a man Forsaken   

With two claws by the spring    Of which the shuttle was loaded

For it is found to go across the Ink Wave   Surface thoughts switch the Oldest Game 

On the shelves because Pain of the Eyelids  In the Cold of the Night  

Which is what all Armies hold that always look to the Stars