
Kaleidoscope Dissection

 by Shaun Lawton  

From behind the porcelain façade, the world's face cracks like a teacup
  while shifting through variant accelerations 
as an ever morphing sculpture setting in the sudden heat of the cosmic
kiln dictating the mask worn in the universal moment. This is not an illustration.
   One planetary eye swivels in polar magnetic attraction to focus afar 
while others roll in their orbital sockets as translucent veils of the lid lower
  like sunsets on the distant horizons of some as yet undiscovered exoplanets. 
     The netting cuts through like a sieve of carnality in a kinescopic anatomization 
    here, while the nebulous process, having given kinetic birth to astral wombs, 
   then forges itself in the ardent seizure of possession at the conjugal germination 
  junction mirrored against the unapproachable vortex, thus causing the illusion 
 we glimpse today through the ever advancing magnifying lenses we develop.
    While the holographic interface manages to come into focus, we end up running
      down a dream with an ebbing battery charge of diminishing returns sealed up
     vacuum tight in ceremonial urns lined up along an axis of matrices rotating 
    at a right angle to the differential of an inherently reversible process 
   giving witness to the birth of entropy and eternity's periodic sacrifice.

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